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Political Perspectives is always in search of new contributions. If you have a piece of work, an idea, or a proposal, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us through the form below. We receive contributions from postgraduate students, PhD researchers and early career academics, not limited to:

  • Full-length articles of 6,000 to 10,000 words
  • Research notes, commentaries and shorter articles of 2,000 to 4,000 words
  • Topical blogs of 500-1000 words, in response to our call-outs. 
  • Academic blog posts of 1,000 to 1,500 words

We now use the Open Journal System (OJS) platform for all our article and blog submissions. If you want to submit a new contribution to us, please follow the link below, which will redirect you to our submission platform.

Become a reviewer

The strength of Political Perspectives is in its reviewers. Our reviewers help to judge the quality of the work submitted to us and offer comments for improvement prior to publication. If you want to support us in achieving our diverse goals of ensuring high-calibre features while maintaining openness to original thought, then fill out our reviewer application form and we’ll be in touch! We seek experts in all areas of social science, but particularly in sub-disciplines of politics.

Our reviewer registration is also administered by OJS. If you would like to become a reviewer, follow the link below, check the box “Yes, I would like to be contacted with requests to review submissions to this journal” and insert your reviewing interests in the box that will pop up.

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Follow us on social media for updates on our latest blog posts, articles and other content as they are released. You’ll also find relevant calls for papers and other ways to get involved advertised here!